ujian tabiat bahasa Inggris
- ujian: exam; examination; test; the acid test; trial;
- tabiat: character; demeanor; habit; personality;
- tabiat: character; demeanor; habit; personality; temperament; deflection; use; nature; type; disposition; case; wont; behavior; warp; eccentric; behaviour
- ujian: exam; examination; test; the acid test; trial; test (assessment); uw-test1; experiment; experimentation; run; testing; mental test; psychometric test; mental testing
- merusakkan tabiat: deprave; depraved; depraving
- tabiat baik: good atured
- tabiat buruk: bad habit; bad temper
- sifat atau tabiat yg istimewa: trait
- juruterbang ujian: test pilot
- kelompok ujian: group of test
- lulus ujian: pass examination
- menempuh ujian: sat for an examination; sit for an examination; sitting for an examination
- mengawasi ujian: invigilate; invigilated; invigilating; watch
- penempuh ujian: examinee
- pengawas ujian: invigilator